
One View, Zero Distractions

Launchpad empowers you to achieve more, faster. A unified dashboard consolidates PRs, Issues, and WIPs from multiple repositories, placing them front and center. Prioritize, act, and collaborate with certainty.

Work smarter, not harder

No more shuffling through tabs and endless scrolling. All the crucial details are now right at your fingertips. Experience the ease of having all your pull requests, works-in-progress, and issues displayed in a single, coherent dashboard.

See PRs grouped by status

Collaborate with clarity

In Launchpad, you’re always in the loop. Within your shared Cloud Workspaces, clearly see who’s contributing to the same pull requests and issues. Enhance your teamwork, ensuring that every move is coordinated and purposeful.

Stop guessing, start problem solving

More than just viewing, Launchpad actively guides your next steps on your most important PRs: whether it’s merging, prompting a review, or branching out on a task, you’re always one step ahead

Overcome PR overload; embrace the snooze

Overwhelmed by PR notifications? Regain control with Launchpad. Use PR snooze to declutter, addressing PRs when you’re ready. Set a return time (coming soon) or snooze indefinitely. Drive your development rhythm, tackling tasks on your terms, not in surges.

Continuity across your dev tools

Harness the strength of Launchpad, whether you prefer GitKraken Desktop, GitLens, or CLI. Elevate your efficiency as you consolidate your development activities. Reduce the noise, amplify focus, and navigate your workflow with ease.

Watch the on-demand workshop

Discover the power of Code Suggest and Launchpad in our latest workshop. From suggesting code changes anywhere in your project, to consolidating PRs, Issues, and WIPs, this workshop includes demos so you can seamlessly integrate these new features into your workflow.

Gain valuable insights into overcoming traditional pull request challenges, improving collaboration, and enhancing workflow efficiency with GitKraken’s DevEx platform.

Unparalleled productivity awaits

With Launchpad, dive into a world where development is streamlined, efficient, and distraction-free. You’ve got nothing to lose, experience the difference for yourself. It’s free to get started!