Losing top devs hurts; losing them to bad dev-ex is avoidable

Top developers thrive with cutting-edge tools and efficient workflows. Ensure they have what they need to excel and stick around.
Over 30M devs love GitKraken.

When your dev-ex is a drag, talent walks. Up-level your
toolbox to keep your best and brightest engaged and happy

Unified developer experience

Boost productivity across: IDE, desktop, terminal, or browser

Cross-OS consistency

Provide a consistent, intuitive dev-ex on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Enhanced coding clarity

Dive deep into your code’s history, visualizing changes directly in your IDE
Keep devs happy with the GitKraken DevEx Platform
Give your developers the freedom to excel in any coding environment: IDE, desktop, terminal, or browser. The GitKraken DevEx platform provides a seamless experience that boosts productivity and keeps developers engaged.
Standardize dev experience across OSs with GitKraken Desktop
Align your team on a common platform that’s consistent across Windows, Mac, and Linux. Simplify your development process with an intuitive interface and essential tools, reducing overhead and keeping your team focused and efficient.
Code smarter, not harder with GitLens for VS Code
Boost your team’s VS Code experience with GitLens. Dive deep into your project’s history without leaving your IDE. By making the past clear, GitLens helps developers understand changes, fostering better collaboration and satisfaction—key for retaining skilled coders.
Improve your developer experience across every environment: IDE, desktop, terminal, and browser.
Discover the GitKraken DevEx platform designed to help you enable a connected and cohesive developer experience no matter where you are or where you code.
GitKraken DevEx Platform
A unified experience that helps retain developers by ensuring they have the best tools at their fingertips—whether they’re in the IDE, on the desktop, using the CLI, or in the browser.
GitKraken Desktop
Offer a consistent, powerful developer experience across Windows, Mac, and Linux. This cross-OS functionality keeps every team member engaged and productive, no matter their preference.
GitLens for VS Code
Enhance the coding experience within VS Code. GitLens provides deep insights directly in the IDE, helping developers understand codebases better and feel more connected to their work and team.

Reducing friction in your dev-ex: watch our on-demand workshop


Discover how the GitKraken DevEx platform reduces friction, shortens feedback loops, and optimizes collaboration.

Learn how GitKraken Launchpad minimizes cognitive load and context switching by integrating your workflow across multiple systems and repositories in one view.

Explore how Cloud Patches facilitate early collaboration in the development process, ensuring quicker feedback and easier code review adjustments.

Explore related problems

Cut the Onboarding Drag

New devs should hit the ground running, not get bogged down. Speed up the ramp-up with essential tools.

Managing Multiple Repos

Juggling multiple repos shouldn’t be a drag. Get a grip on synchronization, clarity, and ownership.

PR & Code Review Friction

Tackle delays and complexity in your PR and code reviews. Find out how to make reviews quicker and less painful.

See what the GitKraken DevEx platform can do for you

Join millions of developers who trust GitKraken to make their coding simpler, faster, and more efficient.